A message from Rachel Bronson

Πηγή: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – Newsletter

Recent news regarding advancements in North Korea’s nuclear weapons capability has many of our readers asking whether the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock will move closer to midnight to reflect the startling rhetoric coming out of both Pyongyang and the White House. It is absolutely the case that this rhetoric is inflammatory and dangerous. It appears, on the US side, disconnected from policy or a broader strategy. Vacancies at the US State Department in key positions responsible for Asia and arms control make the situation all the more troubling.

The Bulletin of the Atomic ScientistsScience and Security Board moved the hands of the Doomsday Clock from 3 to two and a half minutes to midnight last January in anticipation of dangerous shoals ahead, the kind we are now seeing. Back then, we pointed to growing risks associated with reckless nuclear rhetoric, at a time when all nuclear weapon states are investing heavily in their nuclear arsenals. The environment, then, was preset for today’s deteriorating situation.

We at the Bulletin are watching events closely. In today’s Friday newsletter, you will see a budding debate about the range of North Korea’s nuclear-tipped missiles and a call for stepped-up diplomatic activity. We encourage the Trump administration to get on the same page both internally and externally with its many allies. Disarray is dangerous in a crisis environment.

To keep up on the meaning of unfolding events, please continue to check the Bulletin website. We all have a vested interest in calming today’s stormy headlines.

Read also:
How Washington’s Move toward Strategic Clarity on Taiwan Creates New Risks

Rachel Bronson, PhD
Executive Director & Publisher