A “Commune” in Seatlle

See the Seattle area overtaken by protesters

CNN’s Dan Simon reports from Seattle where part of the city has been overtaken by protesters. Police vacated a downtown precinct during protests over the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Read more at https://edition.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/06/13/seattle-protests-simon-sot-nr-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/protests-george-floyd-death/

Trump claims ‘radical left’ has ‘taken over’ Seattle as he spends birthday at golf club

By Bryan Armen Graham
14 Jun 2020
Donald Trump spent his 74th birthday on Sunday in seclusion at his New Jersey golf club, breaking cover late in the afternoon, shortly before his return to the White House, to claim the “radical left” had “taken over” Seattle.
Protesters in the north-western city took over part of the Capitol Hill neighborhood after police abandoned their east precinct following dangerous clashes amid demonstrations over police brutality and systemic racism.
Amid attempts by Trump and allies to portray protests across the US as dominated by dangerous leftwing groups, the protesters’ “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” has become a magnet for rightwing ire.
Read more at https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/14/donald-trump-seattle-chaz-protests

Seattle protesters set up ‘autonomous zone’ after police evacuate precinct

The atmosphere at the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” where hundreds have gathered, has been part protest, part commune.

By Daniella Silva and Matteo Moschella
June 12, 2020
“THIS SPACE IS NOW PROPERTY OF THE SEATTLE PEOPLE” reads a giant black banner with red lettering at the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” an area around the abandoned police precinct that demonstrators moved into, setting up tents with plans to stay.
The Seattle Police Department vacated the East Precinct on Monday night, and protesters against the killing of George Floyd and police brutality established the zone, known as CHAZ, and changed the boarded-up building’s sign to read “Seattle People Department.”
Read more at https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/seattle-protesters-set-autonomous-zone-after-police-evacuate-precinct-n1230151

Read also:
Cities consider cutting police budgets

People ‘are just enjoying themselves’: Get insight into life in Seattle’s ‘autonomous zone’

13 Jun, 2020
‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone’, also known as CHAZ, has grabbed the attention of people in the US and beyond ever since it was established earlier this week. RT’s Caleb Maupin got a sneak peek into what happens down there.
Established around an abandoned police precinct on June 8, a six-block area of downtown Seattle has since evolved into a sort of commune controlled by anti-police brutality protesters. But how are the Seattle would-be revolutionaries faring in their police-free social experiment?
“Mood here is completely peaceful,” Desiree DeLoach, an American travel blogger and anti-capitalist, who found herself inside the ‘autonomous zone’ told RT’s Caleb Maupin. A video shot by DeLoach shows crowds of people casually walking around a street junction turned into an improvised central meeting place by the CHAZ inhabitants.
Read more at https://www.rt.com/usa/491743-chaz-seattle-autonomous-zone-insight/

Also read

Fox News publishes digitally altered and misleading images of Seattle demonstrations