French politician calls for withdrawal from NATO

Jul 22, 2024

Tehran, IRNA- French politician and radical left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon has once again called his country to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which he perceives as an affront to France’s national sovereignty.

Mélenchon issued the call in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais on Sunday, saying he would pull France out of NATO if elected the country’s president.

“I choose the logic of disarmament and appeasement … If I were at the Elysee Palace, I would certainly systematically and in an organized manner withdraw from the joint military command, from NATO. Especially during the war, to avoid seeing the country involved in this story,” Melenchon told the newspaper that was cited by the Sputnik news agency.

The politician said he wanted France out of NATO because the military alliance “sticks to the war logic”

According to the same report, Florian Philippot, the leader of French euroskeptic party, The Patriots, also called in June for France’s withdrawal from NATO after Ukraine launched a deadly missile strike on a crowded beach in Crimea.

Philippot called for Europeans to wake up and warned that “NATO is pushing the world toward the third world war”.

Some French lawmakers and politicians are against the policy of President Emmanuel Macron, who has shown his desire to send foreign forces to Ukraine and said during his trip to Washington that Paris will continue to support Kiev “as long as necessary”.

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