2024 French elections: Map and chart of results

By Raphaëlle Aubert, Pierre Breteau
Maxime Ferrer and Manon Romain

Jul 8, 2024

French voters returned to the polls on Sunday, July 7, to elect the remaining members of the Assemblée Nationale. With 76 elected in the first round, on June 30, 501 seats were still to be filled in the second round. While candidates needed to obtain a score above 50% to be elected in the first round, in the run-off votes the candidate with the highest number of votes is elected, even if their score is below 50%.

Results will start to be published at 8 pm (Paris time) and trickle in throughout the evening. The last polling stations close at 8 pm in Paris and other big cities, meaning their results will arrive later in the evening. Our chart and map will automatically update throughout the night as results are made available by the Interior Ministry.

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