Eleventh South South Forum on Sustainability: Health and the Road to Sustainability

30 June – 5 July 2024

Lingnan University

English and Putonghua (some sessions with Spanish)

Concept Note

How can humanity live in peace in a century of great changes?

In today’s world, peace is being undermined, pandemics are not receding, and the climate is rapidly and drastically changing …… Is humanity at the crossroads again? Where are we heading? Can an individual’s pursuit of physical and mental health, and society’s quest for peace, be guaranteed? How can there be sustainability?

As in the past, the South South Forum on Sustainability (SSFS) invites experts and scholars from the South and the North to meet and brainstorm to foster collective wisdom. The title of this year’s Forum is “Health and the Road to Sustainability”. We have three themes for in-depth discussion. Theme 1: Cultural Traditions, Physical and Mental Health, and Sustainability. Taking traditional Chinese medicine and the art of painting and calligraphy as examples, we will discuss how, under the collision of Eastern and Western cultures, the Chinese cultural tradition with unity of heaven and humans can innovate but also maintain its fundamental principles. Theme 2: Health and Sustainability. Amidst the crisis of globalization, how can humanity consciously choose a sustainable path that leads to serenity of mind and heart, as well as social peace? Furthermore, we will explore the relevance of the North-South and South-South frameworks, reflect on the experiences and lessons of ‘development’ and ‘healthcare’, broaden the boundaries of the health discourse, and explore the paths to health projects and cultural sustainability. Theme 3: Health and Community Sustainability. Whether community building and human health can be achieved and sustained is based on good community governance, ensuring the quality of people’s livelihoods, valuing inclusiveness in community life, and building ecological civilization.

Read also:
Earth Abuse and the Next Pandemic

Walking on the road to sustainability, we follow the law of Nature, recognize that the greatest virtue carries the characteristics of water; we respect and treasure different and diverse cultures and values, and we endeavour for a world in Great Harmony.

30 June – 5 July 2024
Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China

Mode: speakers: online and onsite; audience: online
Public lectures: MBG06, Tuen Mun campus, Lingnan University
Main Forum: LYH308, Tuen Mun campus, Lingnan University
Simultaneous Interpretation: English and Putonghua (some sessions with Spanish)

Chinese Institute of Hong Kong
CCRD-CS, Lingnan University
School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University
Global University for Sustainability

SSFS11 on Global U website:

Zoom Registration:

Public Lectures Registration


Full Programme

Except for speakers and invited participants, a registration fee of USD80 (or HKD600/RMB500) is charged in order to partially cover simultaneous interpretation and translation costs. Students and staff of Lingnan University, and seniors over the age of 60, are offered a discount fee of USD60 (or HKD400/RMB300). Please pay before you do the zoom registration.

Donations are most welcome!

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