Journalism is on Trial

Don’t extradite Assange, your rights are at risk.
Assange’s right to publish is our right to know

Julian Assange is being sought by the current US administration for publishing US government documents which exposed war crimes and human rights abuses. The politically motivated charges represent an unprecedented attack on press freedom and the public’s right to know – seeking to criminalise basic journalistic activity.

If convicted Julian Assange faces a sentence of 175 years, likely to be spent in extreme isolation.

The UN working group on arbitrary detention issued a statement saying that “the right of Mr. Assange to personal liberty should be restored”.

Massimo Moratti of Amnesty International has publicly stated on their website that, “Were Julian Assange to be extradited or subjected to any other transfer to the USA, Britain would be in breach of its obligations under international law.”

Human Rights Watch published an article saying, “The only thing standing between an Assange prosecution and a major threat to global media freedom is Britain. It is urgent that it defend the principles at risk.”

The NUJ has stated that the “US charges against Assange pose a huge threat, one that could criminalise the critical work of investigative journalists & their ability to protect their sources”.

Join the march on 23 October to free Assange

Today marks 2 years that Julian Assange has been held on remand in Bellmarsh prison. As he has been in max-security prison for more than two and a half years in total, actor Mark Rylance, MPs Zarah Sultana and Jeremy Corbyn, rapper Lowkey and activist Salma Yaqoob call for him to be freed.

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Join the demonstration: Saturday 23 October, 1pm, assemble at BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place for a march to the High Court.

On the day of the appeal, Wednesday 27th October, 9am, assemble outside the High Court, the Strand.

Julian Assange is being held on remand for 2 years in London’s high security prison in UK solely on the US’s behalf. Julian won in court against the US government in January 2021. He remains imprisoned while the US appeals.

During the Stop the War! conference to mark 20 years of the war on terror, John Rees spoke about campaigning and the importance of freeing Julian Assange.

“It’s up to you, it’s up to us. Take this into your own hands and make sure that the United States government don’t keep this man in jail because he is one of us, one of ours, and we need him out and free.”

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